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9 empfohlene Orte, die Sie sehen sollten

Es sieht so aus, als ob die Zeit in goldenen Zeiten des Stadtblühens stehen geblieben ist und immer noch fantastische Stimmung mit unglaublichen Legenden hat. Nach der Erkundung des farbenfrohen Marktplatzes, des fantastischen Zitadellenparks und des herrlichen Ostrow Tumski möchten alle wieder zurückkehren.

Poznan Old Town

1. Old Market Square

Looks like time has stopped at Old Market Square in golden Medieval times of city ​​flourish and still have fantastic vibes. The area is surrounded by colourful and richly decorated buildings of Fara Church, Town Hall or Palace of Gorki.


2. Croissant Museum

Get familiar with Poznan’s customs and traditions in unique Croissant Museum, history and legends, it’s opportunity to learn some dialect words, try the Croissants, get the recipe of them and help the Rogal (Croissant) Master


3. Citadel Park

This park is rich in nature, beautiful views and landscapes. Discover medieval fortifications during relaxing walk in Citadel. Admire a unique combination of colourful nature and hidden militaries.


4. Fara Church

Find the pride of Old Town in Poznan. Look up and admire the most beautiful roofs in top attraction Fara Church. Explore richly decorated interior, fantastic altars and sculptures with great made details. It’s definitely breathtaking view.

Poznan Old Town

5. Poznan Cathedral

Among cathedrals and churches in Poland one of the finest is Poznan Cathedral. Visiting there is like touching the very beginnings of the State and the Church in Poland. See gigantic interior and explore underground with graves and Golden Chapel.


6. Goats in Town Hall

Fantastic legend of Goats in Town Hall is one of top attraction in Poznan. Tourists everyday gather under the tower to see funny fighting goats. Look around the city and detect other local symbols.


7. Ostrow Tumski

The Cathedral Island is the gate to the beginning of Polish history. Look around early Medieval Times buildings, stunning churches, landscapes by the Warta River and discover fascinating history.


8. Srodka District

Walk around authentic buildings and narrow alleys from early Medieval Times but with a fresh note from artist and activists. Explore Srodka District and see how the modern art meets with old-fashioned architecture.


9. Imperial Castle

In the heart of city center the monumental building is standing and enchanting with its magnitude. Admire Imperial Castle as the youngest castle building in Europe. The very late German emperor left his trace in Poland, so now it shines in Poznan.